Funny Best of ChatBox

[04:07 PM] BigAl205 : :rofl:
[04:07 PM] chithead : Pull his hair a bit and say, "I used to fuck guys like you in prison."
[04:07 PM] BigAl205 : in a really low voice
[04:06 PM] chithead : Say Mmmmm... you smell nice, brother.
[04:06 PM] chithead : Lol
[04:04 PM] BigAl205 : brush your beard lightly against his ear
[04:04 PM] BigAl205 : lol
[04:03 PM] Glenn : Just strip naked and put your balls on his arm
[04:03 PM] BigAl205 : say, "LISTEN HERE, BROTHER..."
[04:03 PM] BigAl205 : hulk up on him
[04:02 PM] chithead : 24 years old and knows everything
[04:02 PM] chithead : There is one sitting right across from me. I'd like nothing more than to reach over and chokeslam that dumbass
[04:01 PM] Glenn : spoonfed fucknuggets...epic
[04:00 PM] BigAl205 : lol...only chit could say it so eloquently
[04:00 PM] chithead : Buncha spoonfed fucknuggets
if this isnt best of chatbox worthy, I dont know what is...

[02:08 PM] SQLnovice: damn it's getting romantic in here

[01:54 PM] TheDavel: Also, goodnight

[01:53 PM] TheDavel: Bob, I just laid down to go to bed, sure would be nice if you gave me head. It's that time for Christmas cheer, so please shove your cock in my rear. I can't get pregnant dear old pal, so bend me over like a gay. If I cry, just go with it, cause on my face u shall sit. Seasons Greetings Junkies!

[01:43 PM] bobditts: dave
[12:34 PM]
: Bob!
[12:09 PM]
: shitty at best
[12:08 PM]
: Bit of a stretch
[12:08 PM]
: You're right, that pun was a stinker
[12:07 PM]
: its not one turdy yet
[12:07 PM]
: It's one turdy
[12:05 PM]
: uhhhhhhhhhh..............
[12:04 PM]
: Scat and scoot
[12:04 PM]
: LOL!
[12:04 PM]
: howdy, just a driveby pooping
[12:03 PM]

[04:51 AM] bobditts : now i can tear up the office with some farts that make everyone think I shit my pants and I dont have to suffer
[04:51 AM] bobditts : gettin me a gas mask today woot woot

His coworkers will need MOPP suits too!

Am I glad I'm on the coast far from where Bob works...
[02:07 PM] Psyko: yuh lol
[02:07 PM] Glenn: That's good
[02:07 PM] Glenn: I see you didn't die
[02:06 PM] Glenn: hey Mark
Read from the bottom up-- we were talking about good Asian Dining:

[04:36 PM]Psyko: rofl
[04:36 PM] papacueball : lol
[04:35 PM] BigAl205 : and a 3 month ban
[04:35 PM] BigAl205 : jason get plus point for that one
[04:34 PM] Nee : :snap:
[04:34 PM] BigAl205 : :fuckoff:
[04:34 PM] Nee : BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[04:34 PM] BigAl205: lol
[03:34 PM] papacueball : difficult to find?
[03:34 PM] Nee : How rare is it?
[03:34 PM] BigAl205 : my meat is the rarest of all
[03:33 PM] Nee : Don't tease me Sugarbutt!
[03:33 PM] BigAl205 : nee wants some rare meat
[03:32 PM] Nee : Now I AM HUNGRY !
[03:32 PM] Nee : dammit!
[03:30 PM] papacueball : they know what med rare is supposed to look like too
[03:29 PM] papacueball : srsly
[03:29 PM] papacueball : fresh made moo goo gai pan is insane there
[03:28 PM] papacueball : when you order the pepper steak, they ask how you want the steak cooked
[05:33 PM] BigAl205: :nevermind:
[05:32 PM] Hillbilly SQ: haha
[05:32 PM] Hillbilly SQ: was over there friday and "dildo" sure was glad to see me
Read from bottom up

[04:13 AM] camojoe: and when I say virgin....I mean one finger...and that dont count
[04:12 AM] camojoe: still a virgin here boys
[04:12 AM] MoparMike: just one finger?
[04:12 AM] camojoe: not true, pure joke
[04:12 AM] Glenn: I bet
[04:11 AM] camojoe: i saw stars one time, after she pulled her finger outta my ass
[04:11 AM] Glenn: LOL
[04:11 AM] MoparMike: I was expecting something like a down payment on a house with wheels
[04:10 AM] Glenn: ...and I was thinking Starbucks for you
[04:10 AM] camojoe: in 1945
[04:10 AM] camojoe : i could buy a cup a coffee
[04:09 AM] camojoe : if i had nickel for every fat girl I fucked on the side of a lake
[11:05 AM] Hillbilly SQ : i'd let her do it too
[11:03 AM] Hillbilly SQ : prolly stick it in da pooper
[11:03 AM] Hillbilly SQ : i bet she's a freak tho
[07:46 PM] Hillbilly SQ: pretty close
[07:46 PM] littlemissGTO: pretty much. :LOL:
[07:46 PM] BigAl205: hbsq running
[07:45 PM] littlemissGTO: :spittake:
[07:45 PM] BigAl205: :hahaha:
[07:45 PM] Hillbilly SQ: that's why i walk like i have a cob stuck up my ass
[07:44 PM] Hillbilly SQ: my right side is tighter than my left side
[07:44 PM] Hillbilly SQ: my right ankle is notorious for rolling
[07:43 PM] BigAl205: yup
[07:43 PM] littlemissGTO: rolling ankles landed my happy ass in the ER more than once.
[07:43 PM] littlemissGTO: man that hits right in the feels.
[07:41 PM] BigAl205:
[07:38 PM] littlemissGTO: YES, it does.
[07:38 PM] BigAl205: getting old sux