Funny Best of ChatBox

Read from bottom to top:

[10:33 AM] MoparMike : Either that or its the best poetry I've read in a while
[10:33 AM] MoparMike : Those 6 lines of text are made of so much win. I want them on my Christmas cards this year.
[10:31 AM] tRidiot : I need more whiskey
[10:31 AM] tRidiot : It wasn't fun\
[10:31 AM] tRidiot : Her fucking underwear were bigger than my deerhunting parka
[10:30 AM] tRidiot : I stuck my finger in a girl's ass last night
[10:30 AM] tRidiot : Dude... I see that shit at work. And in my nightmares
[10:30 AM] tRidiot : Ugh... elephant labia
[10:29 AM] BigAl205 : if you can stick your finger thru, it's too big
[10:29 AM] MoparMike : Gauges look awesome when you take them out and you have elephant labia on the sides of your head.
[07:28 AM] Hillbilly SQ : long as it's true who gives a shit?
[07:28 AM] tRidiot : Bubble-headed sheep-fucking retard would get a raised eyebrow.... but that's about it. lol
[07:27 AM] tRidiot : or whatever
[07:27 AM] tRidiot : or whitey
[07:27 AM] tRidiot : Or cracker
[07:27 AM] tRidiot : Yeah honky doesn't offend me
[10:03 PM] Hillbilly SQ: if you're getting lots of strikes but they're just not "eating" it, you need to tweak your lure and/or presentation until they just flat knock the shit out of it


[08:53 PM] BigAl205: even better
[08:53 PM] BigAl205: rofl
[08:49 PM] SublimeZ: andenn?
[08:46 PM] BigAl205: glandy
[08:46 PM] BigAl205: we'll have to give you a cool hollywood name
[08:46 PM] BigAl205: andy and BFF's
[08:02 PM] tRidiot: Howdy
[07:32 PM] Glenn: I guess LOL

[07:32 PM] Notloudenuf: lol
[07:32 PM] Notloudenuf: get while the gettins good?
[07:30 PM] Glenn: Andy (req) is moving here to AK
[09:20 PM] littlemissGTO : I'm not that good. I don't think anyone is that good
[09:19 PM] littlemissGTO : uh no
[09:17 PM] BigAl205 : maybe you can build a mustang that even chris likes
Hic - 2 Hours Ago 05:25 PM
In the archive your dick is bigger than mine ! In teality you are just sucking cock , if that helps
[01:40 PM] MoparMike
Aliens stole my dog's sperm and now I have a martian grand-dog-baby!
[01:03 AM] punkrocker: hey Glenn what size wire would you recommend for extending a high level input from a regular head unit 10 feet to a speaker wire location that's 10feet from the speaker?
[01:04 AM] Glenn: 18 gauge
[01:04 AM] punkrocker: really for that long of a distance?
[01:05 AM] punkrocker: is there any audible loss from using cca in speaker wire? thinking of redoing everything.
[01:05 AM] Glenn: I don't know why I answered....
[02:16 AM] claydo
: should eat me...lmao
02:17 AM] claydo
: Yes....with proper diet and exercise. to can have a body like this

tRidiot - There are a number of possible sources for that problem. lol

tRidiot - Ummm....

Hillbilly SQ - my fingers aren't smelling good today for some reason
BigAl205- nope...didn't think of it

papacueball- did you put tape on it to keep it from spreading?

BigAl205- :rofl:

BigAl205- see below

papacueball- damn

papacueball- started small, now it goes from top to bottom

BigAl205- so does my butt :D

papacueball- one of the big windows in out living room has a crack in it

BigAl205- * a new one*

BigAl205- my windsheild is cracked, so he's gonna do like erin's car. pull it out, do the work, then put it back in
[07:19 PM] papacueball: does that count as getting his dick sucked?
[07:01 PM] SublimeZ: DON'T ASK THAT!!!
[07:01 PM] papacueball: wait, nvm
[07:01 PM] papacueball: what you doing running around the woods with your penor out?
[06:59 PM] Hillbilly SQ: that was over 25 years ago and still remember having to pry that little bastard off
[06:59 PM] Hillbilly SQ: lol papa
[06:59 PM] SublimeZ: ikr
* papacueball has never lived* [06:59 PM]
[06:57 PM] Hillbilly SQ: we need to invite nasty down here to experience this stuff
[06:57 PM] Hillbilly SQ: luckily haven't stepped in a hill of fire ants in a couple years, lol
[06:56 PM] Hillbilly SQ: got a couple bad rounds of chiggers on me this year
[06:56 PM] SublimeZ: fire ants are worse
[06:56 PM] Hillbilly SQ: chiggers are my enemy
[06:55 PM] SublimeZ: ticks, chiggers, beggars lice
[06:55 PM] SublimeZ: just one of the things you get going in the woods
[06:54 PM] Hillbilly SQ: in all serious though i've only found one on me this year and it was still crawling up when i flicked it off
[06:52 PM] Hillbilly SQ:
[06:52 PM] SublimeZ:
[06:51 PM] Hillbilly SQ: had a couple on the sack too
[06:51 PM] Hillbilly SQ: you ain't lived until you've had to pull a tick directly off your peenor