New 07:38 AL9000: you should have posted the group pic with clay added
New 07:38 millerlyte: Will do!
New 07:39 dejo: hehe. ant be shittin oatmeal in the morning
New [07:39] millerlyte: that pic is hilarous. you should have that as an option for the CAJ header
New [07:40] AL9000: lol
New [07:40] AL9000: i might look into that
New [07:41] AL9000: oh, you need to check out the thmes i was telling you about
New [07:41] Hic: Ant rues the day he messed with Al
New [07:41] AL9000: bottom left of the forum
New [07:41] AL9000: damn staright, hic
New [07:42] AL9000: and straight, too
New [07:43] millerlyte: i will check out the themes if you make that group shot one of em
New [07:43] millerlyte: and make it so that it changes the links into redneck vernacular
New [07:43] AL9000:

New [07:43] millerlyte: instead of the send/post reply button, it'll be, "yeeehaw"
New [07:43] millerlyte: edit post button, "giterdun"
New [07:44] millerlyte: etc
New [07:44] AL9000: or links randomly disappear
New [07:44] millerlyte: pls kthx?
New [07:44] millerlyte: and pages take forever to show up
New [07:44] millerlyte:

New [07:44] millerlyte: please.
New [07:44] AL9000: loud colors?
New [07:44] millerlyte: bright red
New [07:44] benny: popups too
New [07:45] SublimeZ: for country music
New [07:45] millerlyte: instead of the rep power thingy, it'll be a cigarette
New [07:46] AL9000:

New [07:46] dejo: a cheap beer
New [07:46] millerlyte: bud light
millerlyte: s'what he had yesterday
Pic in question, because Clay showed up late:
View attachment 1817