2004 Toyota Sienna

Finally getting around to trying to fit one of the IDQ 15s in the rear quarter panel.
After so long with the dual 15s sealed, I don't think a single 15 IB will satisfy my basshead needs.
I think an 18" can fit.
I'll find out soon.
The Skar SDR 18" is just $138 delivered and seems like a good IB candidate.
I'll just need to cram it in there and cut enough metal for 1/2 the cone area: 90 sqin.
This should be fun.
Some picture progress of project IB sub in the van:


Original plan was for a 15" so that hole will need to be enlarged.


Pre-made some baffle rings for the 18 on the way. 2 should be enough to account for the mounting depth.
The inner ring has a smaller inner cutout to add some more structure since the main baffle barely has enough width to accommodate the 18's cutout diameter. Shit happens when changes are made in the middle of building.


Current cutout is about 9"x8", which means I'll have to cutout 2 more inches towards the bottom to get the desired 90in^2 for the sub to vent
I did a little test run with an IDQ 15 IB. It blends well with the midbasses, but more output is desired.

After some more measuring and some thought, the Skar SDR-18 will be returned for the SI HT-18. It costs just a little bit more, but it has almost 2x the xmax. Some more modification and work will be needed to fit the depth of the HT-18, but it's doable.


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The dash pods need to be re-done. I want them more on axis.

The L/R highs responses differ too much in this current setup and it lacks... sparkle.

Instead of making new pods from scratch, I'll cut the current ones and glass in a new baffle with better aim.
Dash pods 1.5 started.

Made some new baffles. Recessing the speakers this time for possible grills.



I'm aiming to go as on-axis as possible while having symmetry. 15° off at most.

The tweeter will be placed near the sail panels for width, which lacked in the previous configuration. With this baffle, keeping both mid and tweet on the same plane and more on-axis, the pictured placement is the only way to keep the drivers furthest away and wide as possible.

The original pods lacked in width, but had amazing height, slightly above the rearview mirror, with the usual rainbow effect. So I'm expecting the new aiming and placement will have better width with decreased height, which I would welcome "IF" if levels out the soundstage to not have such an arcing rainbow effect. Maybe a smaller arc with a center image at the center of the windshield.

I'm not sure what to expect in terms of reflections with the new placement other than the tweets reflecting off the door windows.
Mock, measure, cut... Repeat x100
Slowly getting there.




A pair of Dayton Audio RS125T-8 were purchased because my dumb ass thought I messed up the Seas mids... But it was just distorting/clipping from having the gains too high, trying to squeeze out as much output out of them. The "noob" badge under my s/n is legit.

They sound very similar with the Daytons being more aesthetically pleasing.
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Some progress done on the dash pods and sub stage.


The previous pods were hacked up to accommodate the new aiming position. I cut the previous dash pods to allow for more visibility while driving, even though it didn't give me any problems before with this giant windshield.



This is my first time trying the wooden puzzle technique to shape these pods. Scrap birch, popsicle sticks, and small wooden dowels were used.

They're current sitting with a layer of Bondo glass and some milk shake added to the inside. Also some plain resin to sealed up some harder to reach areas.
The pods will be molded to be one with the a-pillars for a cleaner look, OEM, TRd Sienna XLE limited edition.

Ready for sanding, layer, sand, then finish with regular body filler before wrapping, painting, or flocking. Undecided for now.

No pictures of the sub progress, but I was able to modify the enclosure/manifold to fit the SI HT-18. Half a day was spent on test fitting and cutting until it finally fit.
What's left is to bolt down the enclosure and seal off around the enclosure with expanding foam. Then cut the covering panel and make a grill/beauty panel to hide it.
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Sub progress:

I had to increase the depth of the enclosure to fit the depth of the HT-18 which is just over 9"

At the thinnest portion of the rear wall is only 1/8"

No more space to add more depth




Almost there! I should be done after this is. Meaning no more messing around with the system unless something breaks and needs replacing. I made the dashpods and the door enclosures to fit possible replacement of drivers if needed. I almost needed to replace the 10" midbasses, because one stopped working due to a tinsel lead breaking loose. Some strong adhesive fixed it.

What's left is some more bondo and sanding off the dash/pillar pods, and wrapping it with the same grill cloth as the door enclosures.
Bolted down the sub baffle. It has 4 bolt locations so it's sturdy and ready to transfer all that low frequency energy.





The last two bolt locations were originally for the piece that holds on to the bumper:



Now I have to fill in some gaps with some expanding foam. I have some cans that are extremely old and I hope they still work.
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Setup complete. Time to put the rest of the vehicle back together, tune and enjoy... until some rattles need to be chased down.



No up close shots of the pods/pillars as I fudged so areas with too much spray adhesive and it seeped through a bit. It's not perfect, but satisfying enough for me.
Behind the tweets are also a bit fugly. I don't know I'm supposed to wrap such a rounded shape. I might try to make it look pretty in the future with somebody filler and paint.
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Ground Zero GZDSP 6-8x acquired. Now I can finally tweak and tune my subwoofer directly.

Time to make more RCAs and tune, tune tune.


After it gets installed, there will no more tuning while driving...

It'll be installed where the OEM JBL used to be. The OEM amp has been gutted so I can use the mounts from it.





And.... It's in


One problem: there's some noise with the front input/outputs.
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