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Thread: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

  1. Back To Top    #11

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    Very cool and innovative! So much great stuff going on there, in such a short time, and so efficiently in such a compact space!

    I have slacked off posting in my garden thread, but I plan to post again after I get everything planted this year. Zone 5a, so I usually wait until after June 1st.
    "It's a Good Life."

  2. Back To Top    #12

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    I'm a little spoiled here in zone 9a with a very long growing season where we can get some succession planting going. I had a few pepper and chili and even tomatoes that overwintered.

    I'm slowly learning more as I go and there are a few things I'd like to experiment with.

    Brassicas I need to start much much earlier, around late August or Sept.
    An experiment is like to try is growing cherry tomato varieties during the fall and winter. They just might be able to produce some.

    I have grown a few comfrey plants from seed and now have quite a few after root dividing a bunch after the first season. I've since made some salves out of it, but I hear it's makes for some good fertilizer. I've chopped and dropped some around the garden to feed the soil, but time to try some diy liquid fertilizer with it to give plants a direct boost.

    Another thing in the works is a BSFL breeding cage. After attracting smoke wild BSFL to lay eggs on the stanky farm, I'll have them pulpate nad hatch in the cage to mate.

  3. Back To Top    #13

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Grinder View Post
    Very cool and innovative! So much great stuff going on there, in such a short time, and so efficiently in such a compact space!

    I have slacked off posting in my garden thread, but I plan to post again after I get everything planted this year. Zone 5a, so I usually wait until after June 1st.
    Let's see those lush garden pics when the weather permits.

  4. Back To Top    #14

    Re: Bang's garden. Food, medicine, etc

    40% Shade cloth added to the garden. It's about a constant 100 degree dry heat here all summer. Last season tomatoes didn't want to produce in such hot weather, so I'm hoping the shade with help with that

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