I have made my regal entrance.
I have made my regal entrance.
On a more serious note...I think most of you will recognize me from one forum or another. My name is Steve and I've been bouncing around since the old SoundDomain days wayyyy back. I've been through at least 7 cars since then with varying levels of system builds. I live a little west of Philly, work as a telecom engineer and have a fantastic wife. I spend my free time doing either audio projects or sports which I am very active with. These days mainly volleyball and tennis as it's easier on my aging knees. It's hard for me to sit still for long as I like to be doing something.
I'm currently working on a system build in my 2013 Mazdaspeed 3 which is quite involved and is testing my installation skills (and patience). It never seem slike there's enough time to get things done. Doesn't help that I no longer have my own garage space to work in.
Thanks for the invite Al. I can see this place is going to be a winner...now.
So you haven't made admiral yet?
Good to have you with us
Welcome aboard!
Welcome Steve!
I wanted to pick both poll choices, but I went with "the stranger"
Hahaha good choice Benny!