Originally Posted by
What in the everloving FUCK does this mean???
I'm not kidding, I'm fucking serious.
This is an example of people throwing out long words that sound impressive to people who don't stop and take the time to evaluate them for what they mean.
"Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities."
Soooo.... what you just said, what you LITERALLY SAID, was that the Earth is warming because... the Earth is acting like humans???
Put another way....
"Anthropomorphism is defined as the attribution of human characteristics or behaviour to any other nonhuman entity in the environment and includes phenomena as diverse as attributing thoughts and emotions to both domestic and wild animals, to dressing a Chihuahua dog as a baby, or interpreting deities as human."
I'm serious. Stop throwing out big terms to sound scientific. Stop just quoting something other people say without scrutinizing it. Come on, man...