SO awesome.
Please leave your comments in the box outside my door, right underneath the sign that reads: Shame T. Llama, phD. Your thoughts are very important to me!
Tasty cookies look tasty.
Thats very cool.
It's been 2 hours, how do they taste?
Wow! UPS didn't destroy or confiscate them. I hope you like them Glenn.
G said they were incredible.
Incredible is one way to put it. They are like a good beer....cookie dough taste first, then a burst of chocolate and an aftertaste of bacon. Definitely epic cookies being epic. I am very much enjoying them!
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
I could really go for some of those cookies right now. They're different, but in a good way.
They might say "don't try this at home" but nothing about not trying it at your friend's house.
That sounds yummy!
Very impressive, car engine work, audio work and a great cook. Great combination.