[FONT="]Hey Friends,[/FONT]
[FONT="]I am a high school physics teacher by day in a 100% free and reduced lunch (mostly free) school district.[/FONT]
[FONT="]We build a lot of engineering projects to discuss the physics behind the project as well as give students life skills on how to use different tools. This empowers them to be able to make some choices in their future. They will have the skills to decide if they want to build something themselves or pay someone to build it. The engineering part hopefully gets a couple to go on to the engineering world, but that is only a couple students a year that start and end up finishing an engineering degree.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Anyway, I use a lot of power tools that have either been purchased by me or donated by others. This is to get us a Miter Saw to make better cuts and ease some anxiety I have when students use the circ saw.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Sonic Drive in has partnered with Donors Choose to fund a bunch of projects if the project is one of the top vote getters in their Fall Contest. They are funding up to $250,000 each week for 4 weeks (ending October 24th) for a total of $1,000,000.[/FONT]
[FONT="]To vote do the following:[/FONT]
Please vote for our project! DO NOT DONATE JUST VOTE! This should get filled by Sonic up to $600. Which is less than the project cost. If you donate, Sonic will just finish whatever is left and then the vote will be kind of pointless.
[FONT="]I am a high school physics teacher by day in a 100% free and reduced lunch (mostly free) school district.[/FONT]
[FONT="]We build a lot of engineering projects to discuss the physics behind the project as well as give students life skills on how to use different tools. This empowers them to be able to make some choices in their future. They will have the skills to decide if they want to build something themselves or pay someone to build it. The engineering part hopefully gets a couple to go on to the engineering world, but that is only a couple students a year that start and end up finishing an engineering degree.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Anyway, I use a lot of power tools that have either been purchased by me or donated by others. This is to get us a Miter Saw to make better cuts and ease some anxiety I have when students use the circ saw.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Sonic Drive in has partnered with Donors Choose to fund a bunch of projects if the project is one of the top vote getters in their Fall Contest. They are funding up to $250,000 each week for 4 weeks (ending October 24th) for a total of $1,000,000.[/FONT]
[FONT="]To vote do the following:[/FONT]
- Go to this link and sign up for an account: https://www.limeadesforlearning.com/sign-in
- Verify your email if you signed up via email without using the log in via google/facebook option.
- Then go to this link to vote for my project! https://www.limeadesforlearning.com/projects/5872417
Please vote for our project! DO NOT DONATE JUST VOTE! This should get filled by Sonic up to $600. Which is less than the project cost. If you donate, Sonic will just finish whatever is left and then the vote will be kind of pointless.