Made in the USA, post your pictures

Yes, I've heard it too. His is a custom made 18". I believe Gerald bought it on my recommendation.
I love my 15. Hope to make the NESQ meet this year.

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Ahh, Gerald. He’s one of those characters that are fun to be around. It would be nice to have a meet this year and see some new faces too. Hope you can make it if and whenever that is.

Here is another car audio product made in America.

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Adire Audio Brahma
I’ve been on my own personal campaign to buy American and found a place that could help me out with my other hobbie.

Tru technology billet Made in USA

Old school PPI Pro Mos. Definitely made in the USA


Not car audio but a beast of an amp. Theta Dreadnaught II Amp. Not current model but they still make them in the US

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