Joe Biden ?



Thirty years in senate ( might know politics )
Worth a few $$
Understands loss ( first wife and daughter )
Understands minorities (@ least 4 years of working with , Latino community like him )
Committed same wrong as Donald ( no problems arose )
Won't embarass America
Old & White ( male )
Worked in Ukraine [ famous for helping candidates win ( 2016 ) ] and can work without being found out.

" Next president ?"
Setember 2019 political party amount in USA
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This next election will be fun to watch. I'll keep my opinions to myself because discussing religion and politics almost never ends well. It is obvious the media hates the orange guy.
If independants vote for Joe , he may get required votes needed to be prez.
Hilary was not a "Super Great" candidate .
I did think it was hilarious when the liberal media was all amped up for a Billary party and then could tell they were literally in tears when Trump won. They said "we need to figure out how this happened":lmao:
Sad part was I go to bed around 11pm election night and CNN had been calling that Hillary won for awhile. I wake up at 3am and check and Trump wins. Haven't watched CNN since. Not only because of that, but because of everything leading up to it during the election when they wouldn't write or talk about anything against her and only ever negative things about Trump. That's when I understood their bias was real.
If independants vote for Joe , he may get required votes needed to be prez.
Hilary was not a "Super Great" candidate .

I doubt an independent would vote for Joe.

Gerally the whole DNC party has no platform other than "resist"... the exception of which is Andrew Yang... and hence he is a more obvious choice for an independent.

Do you want to vote for a party with unknown direction?
Do you want to vote for a party with a potentially bad direction?
Hilary was not a "Super Great" candidate .

Hillary was a terrible candidate and still got 3 million more votes than Trump.

I expect the nominee to be either Biden or Warren and Trump will eat either alive. I think Bernie would have a chance but there's an obvious effort by the dnc and the media to make sure he won't get his chance and if he's not the nominee I can see a lot of his supporters staying home on election day. I could see Tulsi pulling some of the independent vote and some of the conservative voters that aren't members of the Trump cult but she doesn't have a chance especially after a lot of the dems got butthurt over her impeachment vote.

My only real concern with another Trump term is the potential for one or two more supreme court nominations as well as nominations in lower courts but other that and getting fucked over by the new tax laws he's been inept to the point that while he's a huge embarrassment every time he opens his mouth he hasn't really got much done and therefore hasn't fucked things up too badly.
<Looks at 401k balance> Hasn't gotten much done? We must still be riding the tailcoat of Obama then...LUL

Honestly it is surprising Trump does get anything done with the constant hostility he gets from Democrats.

... I think Bernie would have a chance but there's an obvious effort by the dnc and the media to make sure he won't get his chance and if he's not the nominee I can see a lot of his supporters staying home on election day.

^This^ is what made the tears of Rachel Maddow, and others on the last election night... a good [FONT=DDG_ProximaNova]Schadenfreude event.
it was HRC or nothing, and they got nothing.
When they gambled away Bernie's electrifying base in an all or nothing, then a possible outcome is nothing... which is what they got in spite of their tears.

Really the DNC needs to state what they stand for in some way other than "resist", and have a platform that states what that is.
8 years ago it was border control, etc... but now that the GOP is for border control, they (DNC) flopped to now oppose it. So there is no real apparent substance and continuity of platform, and it seems more like chameleon policies.[/FONT]
Really the DNC needs to state what they stand for in some way other than "resist", and have a platform that states what that is.
8 years ago it was border control, etc... but now that the GOP is for border control, they (DNC) flopped to now oppose it. So there is no real apparent substance and continuity of platform, and it seems more like chameleon policies.
I don't disagree, the dnc does lack any sort of clear direction or platform although it's not all that different than the way the republicans were with their opposition of Obama. Much like with Trump and the democrats it didn't matter what Obama did, the republicans had to be against it.
But it is the best interest of the country to have a DNC that can put up a decent candidate and one that has a plan...
Then if they did win, it would not be S-show #2.

Much in the same way that the GOP put up someone other than DT, then at least we,would not have 1/2 the population +3M be in tears.

However it does not work that way.

Ideally the Us would go to a preference voting system like Australia to get generally a better election outcome.
This two party system results in overly tribal in and out fighting.
Ideally both parties would have a plan and decent candidates but at this point I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.

Well actually we don't know what half the population wants because they don't vote and a lot of that can be attributed to the electoral college. I do like the idea of a ranked choice voting system like Australia but the GOP would never allow it as the current electoral college system favors the red states more than the blue. That's why in the 5 times a president has lost the popular vote 4 of those were republicans and one democratic republican.
Hillary was a terrible candidate and still got 3 million more votes than Trump.

I expect the nominee to be either Biden or Warren and Trump will eat either alive. I think Bernie would have a chance but there's an obvious effort by the dnc and the media to make sure he won't get his chance and if he's not the nominee I can see a lot of his supporters staying home on election day. I could see Tulsi pulling some of the independent vote and some of the conservative voters that aren't members of the Trump cult but she doesn't have a chance especially after a lot of the dems got butthurt over her impeachment vote.

My only real concern with another Trump term is the potential for one or two more supreme court nominations as well as nominations in lower courts but other that and getting fucked over by the new tax laws he's been inept to the point that while he's a huge embarrassment every time he opens his mouth he hasn't really got much done and therefore hasn't fucked things up too badly.

Hahaha c'mon man. Something tells me you're smarter than that. Hasn't got much done?? He's probably accomplished more positive things than any president you can name. I really don't give a damn if anyone hates Trump but you have to give credit where credit is due. Best economy, lowest unemployment in 70 yrs just for starters. The tax cutes the liberals hate are what's driving this economic boom. For those that don't understand that will never be able to understand it. How bout fixing the disastrous NAFTA fuckjob that Clinton gave this country? And what about a president that is finally stopping China from fucking us royally. He's also trying to fix our dilapidated infrastructure and lower drug cost but the house (Pelosi) is stopping that. Oh and repairing our decimated military that O'bama did his best to destroy. Any one of those things are historic. All while the house of representatives is doing everything possible to stop him.

Yeah let's hope Biden doesn't win. He can't even talk in complete sentences now. He obviously has dementia. I've watched 2 grandparents go through that. He is a classic example. And the DNC knows it. It's going to be really interesting what they try to pull to keep him from the nomination
Ideally both parties would have a plan and decent candidates but at this point I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.

Well actually we don't know what half the population wants because they don't vote and a lot of that can be attributed to the electoral college. I do like the idea of a ranked choice voting system like Australia but the GOP would never allow it as the current electoral college system favors the red states more than the blue. That's why in the 5 times a president has lost the popular vote 4 of those were republicans and one democratic republican.

Please tell me you're not in favor of abolishing the electoral college??
Hahaha c'mon man. Something tells me you're smarter than that. Hasn't got much done?? He's probably accomplished more positive things than any president you can name. I really don't give a damn if anyone hates Trump but you have to give credit where credit is due. Best economy, lowest unemployment in 70 yrs just for starters. The tax cutes the liberals hate are what's driving this economic boom. For those that don't understand that will never be able to understand it. How bout fixing the disastrous NAFTA fuckjob that Clinton gave this country? And what about a president that is finally stopping China from fucking us royally. He's also trying to fix our dilapidated infrastructure and lower drug cost but the house (Pelosi) is stopping that. Oh and repairing our decimated military that O'bama did his best to destroy. Any one of those things are historic. All while the house of representatives is doing everything possible to stop him.

Yeah let's hope Biden doesn't win. He can't even talk in complete sentences now. He obviously has dementia. I've watched 2 grandparents go through that. He is a classic example. And the DNC knows it. It's going to be really interesting what they try to pull to keep him from the nomination
The economy has been on the way up and unemployment on the way down since before Trump took office. The trend may have continued but how much of that can be attributed to Trump? Just like with Obama, things may have gotten better under him but how much can be attributed to Obama versus the normal progression of things? I have no problem with tax cuts but instead of giving a huge corporate tax cut how about cutting taxes for those who need it the most instead? The national debt is increasing rapidly even though Trump said he would eliminate it in 8 years. The budget deficit is also way up. Illegal border crossings are way up. He promised us great health coverage, nothing yet and he had the house and senate for two years so don't try to blame that idiot Pelosi for that one. A wall? Not yet. Mexico paying for it? Not a chance. Decimated military? We already spend more than double on our military than what any other country spends. For a fraction of our military budget we could end world hunger and actually do some good for the world but hey lets use that money to kill people instead. On a positive note he at least doesn't seem to be a war monger but he could still do more to bring more troops home.

His dementia is no worse than Trump, it's painful to try to listen to either one of them attempt to form a coherent thought.
Too bad the liberal media will never report on the good things Trump does because it goes against their agenda (orange man bad).

It's really no different than his supporters being incapable of admitting he ever does anything wrong. Blindly supporting him is just as bad as refusing to admit he's done anything good.