In honor of our president...a photo gallery

Nope...the whole purpose of this thread was an attempt to discredit Trump by showing pictures of him with some shady characters. I was simply replying that Biden has also had his share of not-so-flattering pictures.
Nice pictures of Trump with some hot women too. I love the guy and think he will go down as one of the greatest presidents in history. Terrible politician but great leader for the American people, especially the middle class. Can’t wait to finally have school choice too, finally. I listened to Biden’s speech from the DNC and I could only make it half way through. Same old garbage that party has been spewing for decades with no substance or facts and more empty promises. If people still fall for that after that speech then they’re very dedicated to the redcoats or they’re blind. He threw out the same old wealthiest 1% lie all democrats try to sell to the misinformed, lol. Americans aren’t stupid and aren’t falling for that anymore Joe. He really is the Loch Ness monster of the swamp popping it’s ugly head out every election and then going back in to do nothing.

And Joe said he WOULD shut down our country again and Joe said he WOULD mandate a federally mandated blanket mast policy for the whole country. Those statements alone are going to get him to lose voters.
i'm a GOP small donor. My name was on his tv speech last thursday night lol (the bottom scrolling lines). i just donated again a few minutes ago. We keep getting so many texts and emails from them. It used to be one email/text every 3 hours. Now it's once every 30 minutes like running out of money. Our team figured we can play along too. Now we just give $5 each time we get an email or text because these texts/emails are somewhere between fun and hilarious (and we really happen to think it's a good cause). All our team peoples' names were on TV last thursdays night lol