My son decided he hates the Arkansas Razorbacks, I guess. That's his Ferd on the left.
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He's been driving about 4 months, that's his mother's old 2007 Ferd Escape, nicknamed "Lola" (by my wife) - looks like Lola's leaving our lives for good. She's been a good friend for many years.
He was pulling out and making a left turn about 3 blocks from our house - at an intersection we've told him he shouldn't be using this early in his driving career and making a left turn at said intersection, which we've warned him to absolutely avoid at all costs. Oh well. I guess he's learned now. Expensive lesson - for us.
Everyone's ok, he's fine, the people he pulled out in front of went to the ER, but no broken bones, no blood, they are a bit older, I think they were just banged up and hurting. They'll probably try to get whatever they can out of our insurance company, that's fine. We carry the highest liability levels we can get (100/300/100) and I also have a million-dollar umbrella policy to cover our family in the event of anything that isn't covered under standard stuff. So... we'll be fine.
Except having to replace his Ferd in a damned seller's market. This isn't the time to be looking for an economical, reliable and cheap beater vehicle for your 16 y/o to drive. The reason he got my wife's hand-me-down.
But praise the Lord, everyone is ok. That's the important thing. We're using this as another lesson - stuff is just stuff. Not people. And yeah - your mom and dad actually knew something - that IS a dangerous intersection. <sigh>
Hug your kids today, folks.
View attachment 17065
He's been driving about 4 months, that's his mother's old 2007 Ferd Escape, nicknamed "Lola" (by my wife) - looks like Lola's leaving our lives for good. She's been a good friend for many years.
He was pulling out and making a left turn about 3 blocks from our house - at an intersection we've told him he shouldn't be using this early in his driving career and making a left turn at said intersection, which we've warned him to absolutely avoid at all costs. Oh well. I guess he's learned now. Expensive lesson - for us.
Everyone's ok, he's fine, the people he pulled out in front of went to the ER, but no broken bones, no blood, they are a bit older, I think they were just banged up and hurting. They'll probably try to get whatever they can out of our insurance company, that's fine. We carry the highest liability levels we can get (100/300/100) and I also have a million-dollar umbrella policy to cover our family in the event of anything that isn't covered under standard stuff. So... we'll be fine.
Except having to replace his Ferd in a damned seller's market. This isn't the time to be looking for an economical, reliable and cheap beater vehicle for your 16 y/o to drive. The reason he got my wife's hand-me-down.
But praise the Lord, everyone is ok. That's the important thing. We're using this as another lesson - stuff is just stuff. Not people. And yeah - your mom and dad actually knew something - that IS a dangerous intersection. <sigh>
Hug your kids today, folks.