Overall Sequence to follow:
Set X-overs
Set Time alignments
Speakers should be in-Phase, (electrical polarity the same)
Levels should be matched to same, for all speakers as close as possible.
Be able to play pink noise on your system. (mono).
Order of tuning:
1. Left side first, link all speakers not including the subwoofer.
2. Right side next, all speakers not including the subwoofers.
3. Subwoofer alone
4. All channels, together.
Auto EQ procedure in Software. (Left Channels).
1. On main screen: reset the EQ. Reset all output EQ. (rst button on lower left).
2. Link the Left side first. For a three way system, I use:
A,C,E. (A= left high, C=left mid, E=left woofer). To link the channels click the little red box next to the appropriate channel letter.
3. Make sure the right side and subs are muted .(Main program screen). The speaker ICON should have a red line through it, for channels: B,D,F, and sub.
4. Click on RTA button, to open RTA screen
5. Click settings button.
6. Load a house curve. You can make a custom one and save it if you like. Click back button, to return to main RTA screen.
7. Set the band range. Use drop-down boxes to select the proper frequency range. For this example, I will choose, 100 – to 20K Hz. (it depends on your x-overs)
8. Use sliders on right side of screen to adjust the reference and measurement curves to same level. Gray is house curve, and white line is measurement curve.
9. Play pink noise (mono/correlated = same thing). About 80-90dB.
10. Click Start Analyzer button.
11. Click start measurement button.
12. Click autoset button, , then click YES to proceed, to start the measurement. Every 10 seconds it will show the average and adjust the EQ to match the house.
13. When curve looks matched press STOP measurement button.
14. Turn off your pink noise.
15. Repeat the procedure for the right side, sub, and whole system. Make sure to change the linking of channels, frequency range, and muting, for each measurement.
Some things to keep in mind:
Some people use a battery charger/maintainer while doing this so the battery doesn’t drain too much. I assume its better to do this while the engine is off.
Move the mic around your head while the autoeq is running to get a better average.
You can check the results using REW.
In the DCM menu of the PC Tool, make sure EQ Link Mode is set to Relative, for any adjustments needed for eq.
[FONT="]It is suggested to use mono pink noise (correlated), but for some reason ATF includes uncorrelated pink noise in the test files ???[/FONT]