This "EQ Band AutoSort" feature looks interesting.. This might change a bit how I approach driver vs sides vs overall system EQ. Not sure yet how that will look. I've approached it in a few different methods. One being all Parametric using the lower (left side bands) for individual driver EQ, then using bands above that on the right side for grouped driver EQ for things like whole left side or whole right side, etc. Appears that won't be the way to do it with EQ Band Autosort. Something to ponder.
This almost supports or rather promotes simply JUST individual driver EQ, then make it match up and sum together with phase, then if there's a band here that needs a tweak, do that by grouping the two and finding a common band location "somewhere" that's unused between both drivers. Now I'm seeing why John Kiser has been such a proponent for input and output separate EQ's. Typically if summation in crossover regions isn't spot on, there's a phase issue to address with TA as opposed to EQ so really EQ should be the last resort when you begin summing drivers only after verifying time arrival and phase between those drivers. Sorry.. Off on a tangent there. I guess point being, I've found when I do my best to make the drivers match a desired target including crossover slopes throughout the audible region the driver is playing, the less of any other EQ I've needed once I've eliminated phase problems with TA between drivers.
Yeah, originally, I was excited to see this "AutoSort" option since I typically just EQ the individual drivers really well - and don't normally need to use bands for the "whole side" - typically, the "whole side" just "works out" if the individual drivers are EQ'd really well (from what I've seen). I probably use more PEQ bands for each driver this way, but it's just how I've done it and it works for me. However, the autosort function doesn't quite work as expected (see my earlier post on the subject), so I probably won't use it in it's current state. Personally, I'd rather be able to "grab and move" bands around manually so that if I need to add another PEQ band, I just just "move" it to keep the bands "in order". Unfortunately, if I want them to be in order right now, I have to manually re-do them all - or re-do them in REW and then reimport them (which is what I've been doing).
everything always saves as a file..
Ok, thanks. I wish there was a way to simply save a tune to a DSP "slot" without also writing it to a file. If you load a tune from a file, it's kind of silly to have to save it back to that same file just to save the tune to the DSP - it just presents a chance to accidently overwrite the wrong file when you go to save it - without any real "benefit" (that I can see).
Based on the documentation (the DSP "magazines" they produced), it looks like there used to be separate "Save" and "Store DSP" buttons instead of the single "Save&Store" button. To me, that setup made more sense because then *I* can choose where I want to save the tune - to the DSP or the computer.
Oh well - not a big deal - like I said, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.