Any metal heads with an Epicenter?

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New member
Hey guys got a question for you. I listen primary to rock/classical/ metal so no deep electronic bass for me, so I picked up Earthquake Sound's version of the Epicenter (Earthquake Sound MB1 which is literally identical to the Audio Control unit, same board) to add some punch to my music. I have zero experience with these things btw. I also have two Sundown E series v4 10" subs which will see about 700 watts each true rms, but no box as of yet. My question is where would I tune it to best take advantage of the Epicenter? Normally I would go with 37hz or so but others have said that in this case 32hz would make more sense. I don't want to lose anything in the kick drum range, will that happen? What can I expect here? All opinions welcome.
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